

 むかしむかし、伊良部島に漁師が住んでいました。漁師が浜辺に行くと、空の方から何やら不思議な声が聞こえてきました。 「竜宮の神よ、そろそろ雨を降らせなさい」どうやら天の神さまが、竜宮の神さまに命令しているようです。竜宮の神はたちまち風を起こし天に舞いあがらせ、大粒の雨を降らせました。漁師はこの様子を見て、なるほどこうして雨が降るのかと、感心して帰りました。  それから島には何日も雨の降らない日が続きました。困った村人の前に漁師は言いました。
「私が雨を降らせよう」その見返りに宝物を要求したのです 。島の人たちは、わらにもすがる思いで漁師にお願いしました。 漁師は浜辺に出て、天の神さまの真似をしました。「竜宮の神よ、雨を降らせなさい」竜宮の神は早速雨を降らせました。漁師は村人たちから食べ物や宝物をたくさんもらいました。
 しかしこのことは、天の神さまと竜宮の神さまにばれてしまいます。怒った神さまは長い間、雨を降らせませんでした。 困った島の人たちは 、漁師にもう1度雨を降らせるよう頼みました。欲深い漁師は、また浜辺に出て「竜宮の神よ、雨を降らせなさい」と天の神さまの真似をしました。すると、海の中から竜の姿に身を変えた竜宮の神さまが現れ、漁師に襲いかかりました。漁師は命からがらクバマ御嶽に逃げ込みました。そのことがさらなる怒りを買い、竜宮の神は、漁師の住む伊良部元島に、病をはやらせむ村を滅ぼしてしまいました。

 欲深い漁師のとばっちりを受けた島人がかわいそすぎるお話でした。この病はマラリアだということです……。 皆さん、神さまを騙しちゃいけませんよ。それとうますぎる話には要注意ですね。  もともと山も川もない宮古島は、雨水が頼りでした。政策によりマラリアの 有病地に開拓させられたという実話も見え隠れします。



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  3. Grife のコメント:

    Signup to get the latest news… Chrome developer Sebastien Gabriel says that their no internet game is the nod to the prehistoric ages, millions of years before the technological boom. And the game’s pixel style is the reference to Google browser’s error illustrations. I can’t wear this shirt without getting a laugh. I wear it too much! RECENTLY ADDED In June 2013, Shawn and many other public figures appeared in a video showing support for Chelsea Manning. He referred to himself as a socialist in his essay “Why I Call Myself a Socialist: Is the World Really a Stage?”, which was published online and later in his Essays. “This allows you to get the chance to say, ‘Wait, they really are related because their sequences are related,”‘ Asara said. “We didn’t get enough sequences to definitively say that, but what sequences we got support that idea.”
    Here’s what happens now. When the game is over (i.e., when you hit an object), Runner.prototype.gameOver() is called and the action is triggered. In this case, you’ll hear a sound, the game stops, and a Game Over message appears. That’s without our code. Chrome developer Sebastien Gabriel says that their no internet game is the nod to the prehistoric ages, millions of years before the technological boom. And the game’s pixel style is the reference to Google browser’s error illustrations. If you’re tired of cacti and pterodactyls bringing your game to an early end, you can use a cheat to make you invincible to those obstacles and keep your dinosaur running forever. That may remove the challenge from the game, but it means you can play for longer. Here’s how to apply the hack. 

  4. Soype のコメント:

    Tinder was hardly the first dating app or website. Indeed, Kiss.com launched 18 years earlier, in 1994, followed by Match.com in 1995. Then came the likes of JDate, Christian Mingle, eHarmony OKCupid, Grindr and — you get the picture. But Tinder emerged in 2012 to become a dominant force in online dating. So, how do you stand out from the more than 6 million other monthly subscribers? You create the best Tinder bio, of course. Or at least one that’s better than the other users in your area. Dating cannot be mastered with just a good profile, and a good profile doesn’t mean you’ve mastered a dating app. Without a decent opening line, an ability to converse like a normal human being and the grace to ask to meet someone IRL without sounding like a serial killer, daters will struggle to get anywhere online. But in order to get to any of those points, a good profile is a necessity, and for Liam, Dan and Holly, theirs can be dramatically – and expertly – improved. And while it may not guarantee that they’ll find the person of their dreams, it is a good, and perhaps the only, place to start.
    While its app is not an all-free service, it has a three-day offer when you sign up. During this period, you can search profiles and contact people you want. Once this period expires, you’ll have to upgrade to premium. There are different packages, ranging from one month to 12. Match.com is a dating site that was launched in 1995, and it has been helping daters find long-term relationships ever since. Match is comforting to a lot of people because it’s so familiar and has pretty much provided the blueprint for other dating sites. Not to mention, it has worked hard to perfect its strategy over the years. There’s even a guarantee that you’ll be dating someone within six months, and if you’re not, they’ll give you six months free of charge! That’s how confident they are. Signup process is very fast and only takes a minute.

  5. phope のコメント:

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  6. Williamflept のコメント:

    The Hydra Vizor formula is global, but every country has different regulations about how sunscreen is sold. Reach for a damp makeup sponge to apply your matte foundation so you can gently press the foundation into your skin. If you want to use a brush as well, you can use a dense foundation brush for blending. Some people have larger pores than others, which can make makeup application even harder. Preparing your skin is key to creating a smooth canvas for your foundation. You also need to choose the right type of foundation for the best results. This foundation is a really great option for large pores and wrinkles because it contains powerful pigments and the formula of this foundation contains only 10 ingredients. It means that you get a full-coverage look with a lightweight formula that does not look cakey or masky.
    Buy it: $9, ulta.com EraseZit Antiseptic Concealer Pencil contains all beneficial and natural healing ingredients such as Tea Tree Oil and Camphor, plus Vitamin E. 4) Simple dab a concealer and let it treat your pimple? K-beauty brand Medicube is known for its highly targeted treatments that are rely on scientific research and carefully selected ingredients to target the root of specific skin issues. The Red line is Medicube’s range of skincare specially formulated for acne-prone skin, and the concealer in this line promises high coverage with a smooth finish. To hide small raised bumps, blackheads and whiteheads, choose a full-coverage concealer, like the Dermablend Cover Care Full Coverage Concealer, or the Urban Decay Stay Naked Correcting Concealer.  When color correcting first went mainstream, many of us thought the best way was to layer green concealer under our skin match concealer. Recently, though, I’ve discovered a much better way to do it: mix the green in with your normal concealer.

  7. Dap のコメント:

    Yes, these results are reassuring: small increases in cannabis use across Canada, and modest or no increases in ER visits or hospitalizations due to cannabis in Ontario, Alberta and Québec. However, we need to keep in mind that the transition from cannabis being illegal to being widely available for legal purchase and use is not a switch that was flipped overnight. Even before adult-use cannabis legalization came to Canada companies were looking over the horizon to international markets. Their pursuit of global opportunities at this early stage carries significant risk given the number of challenges their rapidly developing domestic operations will face. But done correctly – with a clear understanding of local laws and regulations, well-devised tax plans and sound operational strategies – international expansion might not only prove lucrative, but also ensure the long-term success of the business.
    Canada had permitted cannabis for medical use since 2001. Medical patients were allowed to grow four plants, and licensed producers cultivated larger crops for sale online to those with valid prescriptions. But most Canadian cities had illegal – but tolerated – dispensaries where the drug was sold completely indiscriminately. These stores made Amsterdam’s coffee shops look as prim as a WI cake stand. The quality and variety of cannabis on sale at these illegal outlets was outstanding, bewildering. Business was not just booming, but blazing.And it was all completely illegal. Cannabis offences target those acting outside of the legal framework, such as organized crime. Penalties are set in proportion to the seriousness of the offence. Sanctions range from warnings and tickets for minor offences to criminal prosecution and imprisonment for more serious offences. Some offences specifically target people who make cannabis available to youth.

  8. LIT のコメント:

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  12. Tox のコメント:

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  13. Vorne のコメント:

    Kentucky has lost two straight to Ole Miss and hasn’t beaten the Rebels on the road since Sept. 26, 1964, when the Wildcats won 27-21 in Jackson, Mississippi. Snoop Conner ran in from a yard out for a score, but conversion try failed, as the Rebels made it a respectable final score. Reeves entered the game with 14:02 left in the first half and Kentucky trailing 15-10. Less than five minutes later, Reeves had connected on three 3-pointers, sparking an 11-2 run that gave the Kentucky a 21-17 lead. Ole Miss (9-13, 1-8) hung around and tied the game at 32-32 heading into the half. After an 85-yard kickoff return from Barion Brown, Kentucky got on the scoreboard with a 10-yard touchdown run from senior tailback Chris Rodriguez, his first score of the season. Ole Miss blocked the ensuing extra point and held a 14-6 lead at the end of the first quarter.
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  14. lax のコメント:

    The writing feels so natural that it’s easy to fool oneself into thinking one is writing on traditional paper. We had such a great time that we began to do more note-taking on this device, and threw away our notebooks for a while. Turn it on and the deliberate paucity of the offering is immediately clear: there’s just a list of your files, folders and notebooks, searchable via an onscreen keyboard, which pops up only when absolutely necessary. This navigation can be done by the finger, as can turning pages with a familiar swipe, but you won’t be able to actually write, making the Marker an essential purchase alongside the reMarkable 2. You can use the reMarkable 2 for ebooks, but only ePUB files without digital rights management restrictions. The device also lacks page-turn buttons. So even though you can write notes in the margins of books, reading books is clearly not the tablet's primary function. The Kindle is still the better option for that.
    A research rationale is usually written toward the end of the introduction. You’ll see this section clearly in high-impact-factor international journals like Nature and Science. At the end of the introduction there’s always a phrase that begins with something like, “here we show…” or “in this paper we show…” This text is part of a logical sequence of information, typically (but not necessarily) provided in this order: It is smart to create a comprehensive outline with thesis statement to help with the clarity and article’s organization. For it to be helpful, your outline should indicate the sections that you want to cover in the research paper. For each section, use some bullet point statements to guide and remind you what you should say or what ideas you should express in that particular section. A good outline allows researcher to work in chunks (especially when you have flow in your thinking), and it helps prevent you as a writer from getting overwhelmed by the whole task. It is highly recommended that researchers write in bursts of time, typically two to three hours at a time, to maximize energy and focus.

  15. clemy のコメント:

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  16. New のコメント:

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    The today IPL match section will have the details of the IPL cricket T20 teams which are going to play this evening. This IPL match today will also have the playing 11 of both the home team and the away IPL team. During today’s match preview, the match prediction section will have a detailed analysis about the today’s IPL cricket T20 match such as winning team prediction, man of the match and innings IPL scores. Cancel IPL is the latest ‘trend’ on Twitter with MI and CSK fans particularly active. But building on last year, cancellation or postponement of the IPL is not on the cards unless there is a major outbreak within other teams or across the country.  Following is the IPL 2022 complete schedule: T20 World Cup Breaking : England beat Pakistan by 5 wickets in the final Everybody wants to watch the IPL 2023 Live Cricket Match, so they don’t miss a thing. You can watch IPL 2023 matches on live cricket TV too. People waiting for the IPL 2023 matches are curious. Those who don’t get IPL 2023 live tickets can watch the games online. It’s your lucky day if you’re looking for IPL 2023 live streaming and live score. Check out the list of countries and channels that will be streaming the IPL 2023. 
    It's not just the financial sector that has been transformed by the impact of Britain leaving the European Union, but also the world of football transfer. Even with Roman Abramovich no longer in charge, the running of Chelsea’s transfer business is just as crazy, if not crazier than before. Manchester City are interested in signing Chelsea and England left-back Ben Chilwell, 26, in the summer. The recent hiring of former RB Leipzig technical director Christopher Vivell to a similar role at Chelsea should bring expertise to the football department, but in the immediate term, Potter is still having to deal with the hand he has been dealt by Boehly: an imbalanced squad which is overloaded with defenders and desperately short of goal scorers. The manager can be blamed for failing to get many of his players to perform to expectations, but it is debatable that he would have signed many of them in the first place.

  20. bot のコメント:

    Nashville and Dallas will play each other three times in addition to the 18-game schedule. That’s because the group stage games at the MLS is Back tournament counted toward the regular season standings for the other 24 teams. The game was the second straight at Toyota Stadium between the teams in their return from the coronavirus pandemic. On Wednesday night, Nashville won 1-0 for the expansion team’s first victory, a game marred by booing of kneeling players during the national anthem. FC Dallas player Reggie Cannon expressed disgust at the fans who booed, then faced a backlash on social media that included threats. If you are still having issues, please contact support at . FANDUEL SPORTSBOOK LINE: Nashville SC -120, FC Dallas +309, Draw +264; over/under is 2.5 goals
    “We are in a process where we are getting guys up to speed, guys match minutes so the ability to sustain what we want to do is the challenge for us so there were positives in the game. Chelsea football club of England eases past Newcastle United in their English premier league match with a 3-0 victory. Reece James was the star of the show in front of the goal with two brilliant finishes before Chelsea Midfielder Jorginho added a third from the penalty spot. Chelsea will play the next match against Borussia Dortmund on Feb 15, 2023, 8:00:00 PM UTC in UEFA Champions League. The Bayern striker has claimed glory in the award for a second straight year and some big name rivals were also prominent in the European golden boot race. But Savage believes at the end of the current 2022/23 Premier League season, Pep Guardiola’s side will retain the English top-flight league title ahead of Arsenal.

  21. Hat のコメント:

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    This essence is made with sodium hyaluronate, which helps the skin retain up to 1,000 times its weight in water, according to the brand. The formula also has hydrolyzed collagen, which is meant to stimulate supple and plump skin. Some By Mi is a Seoul-headquartered brand, which is best known for its hydroxy acid-powered toner—boasting ‘miracle’ in the name for a reason. The exfoliating acids get to work smoothing rough skin and unclogging pores, while 2% niacinamide calms any angry patches. The brand offers a collection of highly safe skincare series and skin-whitening products. Specifically, “White Milquidro Cream” (it is also called “Uyu Cream”. Uyu means “cow milk” in Korean) has a high demand. It is a skin-whitening cream which contains protein from cow milk. It is moisturizing, and brightens up your skin tone.

  22. ZosTe のコメント:

    This Japanese mascara is so long-lasting that it’s almost kind of scary. It’s the No. 1 best-selling mascara at multiple Japanese drugstores and is beloved for its true black color (it’s true one writer went on a quest to confirm its absolute black pigment), durability, and dramatic effect. It is so long-lasting that it’s often sold in a package deal with its own makeup remover. But let’s assume a bad combination of ingredients were used and the nitrosamines formed. 🙁 Even in that case you are probably fine because as far as we know it cannot penetrate the skin.  Isododecane, Cera Alba / Beeswax / Cire Dabeille, Copernicia Cerifera Cera / Carnauba Wax / Cire De Carnauba, Disteardimonium Hectorite, Aqua / Water / Eau, Alcohol Denat., Allyl Stearate/Va Copolymer, Oryza Sativa Cera / Rice Bran Wax, Paraffin, Polyvinyl Laurate, VP/Eicosene Copolymer, Propylene Carbonate, Talc, Synthetic Beeswax, Ethylenediamine/Stearyl Dimer Dilinoleate Copolymer, PEG-30 Glyceryl Stearate, Candelilla Cera / Candelilla Wax / Cire De Candelilla, Pentaerythrityl Tetra-Di-T-Butyl Hydroxyhydrocinnamate, BHT. May Contain: CI 77499 / Iron Oxides.
    According to Zudoya, the leading Australian company for jade rollers, you should be incorporation your facial roller into either your morning or evening skincare routine, or both. Aside from lymphatic drainage, I also use my jade roller to aid in product absorption. To do this, simply warm your jade roller by placing it in warm water or running it under a hot faucet. Jade’s innate thermal stability means it will hold on to this warmth and impart a warming effect on the skin. Warmth helps to soften skin and make it more receptive to any products you apply. By using a warm jade roller on top of serums or facial oils, those products will penetrate a bit better. This warm treatment feels heavenly during these colder months. A 2007 study concluded that manual lymph drainage via neck massage reduced swelling after tooth extraction. It also looks like massage or movement can help reduce the serum enzymes in the body associated with damage (or exercise) and reduce swelling.

  23. elica のコメント:

    Range anxiety — the fear of being stranded by a dead battery — remains one impediment to the mass adoption of electric cars, and Nissan hopes to alleviate such worries with a car that tells you when and where to charge up. Nissan calls it “EV-IT” and says it will work with the car’s navigation system to: In celebration of World EV Day, 9 September 2020, Nissan marked the production of the 500,000th LEAF. From the Archive: 1986 Nissan Pathfinder Drive Are you sure you wish to permanently delete this content? Nissan@Home℠ Base trim shown Riverside Used in Marquette takes your privacy seriously and does not rent or sell your personal information to third parties without your consent. Read our privacy policy. The mechanicals of the Leaf have not changed, so the S will still come equipped with a 40 kilowatt-hour lithium-ion battery and a 147-horsepower electric motor, while the SV Plus upgrades to a 60-kWh battery and a 214-hp motor. Nissan has not made any mention of price or range changes, only to say that both will be similar to the 2022 model year.
    You have been successfully subscribed to Honda Powersports email updates. New Zealand is a country imbued with a rich motorcycle heritage, with Burt Munro (The World’s Fastest Indian), John Britten and Ivan Mauger to name a few who have come from our shores. Our country is renowned for its industry pioneers, racing champions and motorcycle entrepreneurs and we’re honoured to be writing the next chapter of this history with SWITCH. As the flagship model in Emmo’s motorcycle style e-bike lineup, the full-size Zone S / Zone GTS offers a range of up to 180km on one charge, redefining the capabilities of an E-Bike.  As the 4th Generation, the Zone S.4 is also equipped with the Bluetooth programmable controller, which enable fine-tuning for varying riding purposes.

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    8. О маленьком росте Виттории см.: Kestner A. Romische Studien. Berlin, 1850. B. 87; Шевырев С. Римские праздники. С. 414; Schnorr von Carolsfeld Ju. Briefe aus Italien. geschrieben in den Jahren 1817 bis 1827. Gotha 1886. B. 442. Салон красоты You have no items in your shopping cart. противопоказания — любые болезни глаз и век в острой стадии заболевания. В нашем учебном центре обучение ламинированию бровей и ресниц проходит в малых группах, где царит дружественная атмосфера между слушателями и наставником. Флакон с сывороткой для роста ресниц имеет на конце шариковый ролик, благодаря которому  наносить средство на реснички очень удобно – 1-2 раза в день легким движением следует проводить по ресницам (без макияжа) или бровям. Салон красоты Отзыв о препарате ССЫЛКА1 ССЫЛКА2 ССЫЛКА3 ССЫЛКА4 Следите за нами Сыворотка для роста волос от Genive, Long Hair Fast Growth Serum, 60 мл Объем 10 мл, средство для роста ресниц Genive очень экономично расходуется, флакона хватает на долгое время.

  26. indug のコメント:

    Tutte le news sul calciomercato e e non solo: CLICCA QUI “Esprimo grande soddisfazione per il risultato ottenuto che premia 6 dei 10 dipartimenti dell’ateneo che hanno partecipato alla selezione nazionale promossa dal Mur – spiega il magnifico rettore Pier Francesco Nocini – questo finanziamento permetterà di avviare progetti che consentiranno l’assunzione di ricercatori, di tecnici specializzati e l’acquisizione di nuove infrastrutture didattiche e scientifiche con importanti ricadute per l’innovazione su tutto il nostro territorio.   Attaccanti: Thomas Henry, Kevin Lasagna, Mateusz Praszelik, Milan Đurić, Roberto Piccoli, Yayah Kallon 23 Dicembre Le due modalità, tuttavia, hanno ambizioni differenti, pur essendo indiscutibilmente simili nello stile e nei particolari, come nell’idea di inglobare nella V il proprio animale sociale (il leone e i mastini). Sicuramente alla base c’è l’idea di snellire e semplificare il proprio brand, ma mentre il Verona lo ha fatto mantenendo una direzione comunque sportiva, non si può dire lo stesso del club arancioneroverde. Da anni, ormai, il Venezia è forse fra i club al mondo più orientato alla moda e allo sportswear. Sempre in Serie B chi ha ambiziosamente stravolto il proprio logo, in estate, è stato il neopromosso Modena.
    Lazio e Bayer Leverkusen si sono incontrate in passato solo in due occasioni, vale a dire nel girone di Champions League 1999/2000: in Germania finì 1-1 con le reti di Neuville e Mihajlovic, stesso punteggio nel ritorno all’Olimpico con i gol di Nedved e Ulf Kirsten. UEFA Champions League Squadre qualificate alla Fase a Gironi della Champions League 2019/2020: Ai playoff della Champions League 2019/20 partecipano 12 squadre, 6 delle quali accedono alla fase a gironi del torneo. Via all’andata del terzo turno preliminare della manifestazione: portoghesi vincenti per 4-1, colpo dell’Union Saint-Gilloise contro i Rangers In campo mercoledì 3 agosto: Qarabag-Ferencvaros, Bodo/Glimt-Zalgiris, Maccabi Haifa-Apollon, Dinamo Kive-Sturm e Stella Rossa-Pyunik. Il 9 agosto in scena il match di ritorno.

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    There are also some leagues still open for business. Clubs in those countries are able to sign players from leagues whose own transfer window is closed. So after a frantic month and even deadline day – here are all the major deals completed involving the Premier League sides and their senior arrivals and outgoings throughout January. According to Maguire, there’s an “arms race in terms of wages as a result of aggressive trading,” though he says the Premier League is more competitive than other European leagues, as evidenced by Chelsea and Liverpool’s 10th vs. ninth-placed clash last month. Fair Game, an organization “committed to the same principles and determined to improve the governance of our national game for the wider interests of football,” reiterated its calls for a transfer levy to put in place for Premier League clubs, saying it could raise almost $200 million which “could help provide a vital life line to clubs below the top flight that continue to struggle with the fall out of the pandemic and the day-to-day challenges of the cost-of-living crisis.”
    Our FA Youth Cup dreams came to a disappointing end on Tuesday night as West Ham beat our under-18s at Emirates Stadium As he closes in on a century of Gunners games, our skipper discusses the key matches and moments from his time here Our under-18s fell at the final hurdle in the FA Youth Cup and you can watch the final back with our official highlights What a result for Southampton, who will be despondent not to have won. And what of the title race? Five points ahead of the reigning champions but with two games fewer to play, Arsenal will sense that they have to win at Manchester City on Wednesday now. With Manchester City looming on Wednesday, Arsenal surely need to win this – but it will require some comeback now. Saints are surging off the bottom of the table if they can retain their lead.

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    One of the unique features of the WSOP app is that it has the Pot-Limit Omaha, one of the most popular variants of poker. It’s very rare to see free-to-play apps offering any other variant of poker than Hold’em. And let’s face it, playing Hold’em regularly can become boring. The WSOP brings more variety to your games.The WSOP app is available on Android and iOS. It’s easy to download and install. There is also the ‘innovative gesture system’ of the app. This feature enables you to check or call by double-tapping the screen instead of clicking tapping the action buttons.Folding requires you to flick up while betting or raising is done by slowly holding down your finger and then pushing it up. Technically, you can play poker online in any state. However, there is a pretty major caveat: it’s only legal to play for money if you’re in Delaware, Nevada, West Virginia, Michigan, New Jersey, or Pennsylvania. Several other states including New York have introduced bills paving the way for legal poker, but as yet, this is still considered gambling and as such, is not allowed.

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    © 2022 Ante Up Magazine Again, neither Caesars nor Planet Hollywood (PH) officials have commented on shutting down the poker action. However, it’s not hard to speculate on some reasons why the game wasn’t so popular here. Caesar’s Entertainment, the owners of the Planet Hollywood casino, told News3lv that: Those drawbacks (in the minds of regular Vegas poker grinders), plus being near the center of the Las Vegas Strip, made Planet Hollywood’s poker room more of a tourist stop than a locals haunt. Las Vegas has more poker rooms than any other city in the world, though Los Angeles has more games running. There are over 50 Vegas casinos in the market that offer poker tables. These range from local joints with a couple of tables up to major poker rooms with as many as 59 tables.

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